Pros and Cons of Pokemon Go?

Jul 12 2016

Pros and Cons of Pokemon Go?

What Pokemon Go means to the future.

I was having dinner with my wife in Venice Beach when I noticed a group of people staring into their smartphones, oblivious to anything else happening around them. My first thought was, “OMG something terrible has probably happened in the world”, but then I noticed an avatar on their screens with a map similar to Google Maps. I was intrigued to find out, what the hell they were doing, and that was the moment I learned about Pokemon Go. This new  AR (Augmented Reality) game introduced by Nintendo in collaboration with AR game developer Niantic reveals things about our upcoming future, and the relationship we will continue to build with technology.

Pokemon Go has become a HUGE success, and although it’s a game, like other apps it can be used to learn about consumer behavior and our interaction with technology—which is already an important part of our lives. But where do we go from here? Here are some pros and cons that I think can happen with this tech.


  1. Kids will begin to go outside again. That’s pretty cool right?
  2. Augmented Reality (AR) will become a default app in all phones, making shopping and basically being out in the world more interesting.
  3. Huge opportunity for corporations to capitalize on this technology.
  4. Connecting this tech to improve our way of life.


  1. We completely disconnect with “The Real World” and become completely consumed as a society by a new way to see the world.
  2. Our online security becomes even more vulnerable.
  3. Accidents will happen because we are not paying attention to our surroundings.
  4. Predators will take advantage of this tech to lure kids in. Parents Be Careful

Well, those are some things I believe will occur with this technology, and there is no doubt that it is here to stay. There are so many more possibilities and I’d like to know what you think about it?

How will this tech impact your and other people’s lives around the world?