Jet Engine Powered Helium Airship idea pitched at Lockheed Martin in Palmdale

Jun 20 2015

Jet Engine Powered Helium Airship idea pitched at Lockheed Martin in Palmdale

Inventor L. Mike Kelly and former Jet Propulsion Labs (JPL) and B2 Bomber design team manager and engineer David L. Swain of Malibu Beach, California are on a mission to bring a new 150 foot (45.72 meter) long, 32 foot (9.75 meter) wide, 2 turbofan, jet engine powered helium/fixed wing/rotary wing airship to market. Looks really cool and even cooler that it was pitched their concept to Lockheed Martin’s Dr. Robert Boyd at the R&D Hanger in Palmdale, California and garnered positive feedback on the originality of their advanced airship concept and design calling it “the best potential airship design he had seen to date.”

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